
  • Green Friday, Let's Give Back to the Environment!

    10% OFF everything & spontaneous donations to 'Friends of the Earth Japan'(until Nov 29th, 10 am JPT)

    Green Friday, Let's Give Back to the Environment!

    10% OFF everything & spontaneous donations to 'Friends of the Earth Japan'

    Dear Budoka,

    We, as humanity, have reached a decisive point, as Human activities have disrupted the climate: temperatures are rising, wildlife populations plummet by 69% in the last 50 years(1), 11.1 million hectares of tree cover have been lost in 2021(2), oceans are dying, an estimated 60 percent of the world's marine ecosystems have already been degraded or are being used unsustainably(3), and an estimated 21.6 million people annually were internally displaced by climate-related hazards worldwide in the past decade(4). Everyone is or will be impacted in the coming years, and worst is yet to come, so we need to act, fast!

    KuSakuraShop deeply respects the values of Budo as they are an integral part of our philosophy, a philosophy based on values such as self-improvement and mutual aid.
    With those principles in mind, we decided to organize a "Green Friday" for this event to be meaningful regarding the environmental crisis that we are experiencing! And thus, to make a difference, we chose to support Friends of the Earth Japan!

    About Friends of the Earth Japan

    'FoE Japan' is the Japanese branch of Friends of the Earth International, an international environmental NGO working on global environmental issues with 2 million supporters in 73 countries around the world.
    This NGO is working on various themes such as Just and Fair Development, Energy and Climate Justice, Forests and biodiversity, and is taking action on environmental issues such as unsustainable energy sources, and much more.
    Here are some examples of their actions:

    • researching and disseminating information about the reality of climate change and make policy proposals for climate justice to the Japanese government, corporations, and the international community
    • standing by the people who suffered from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant incident
    • monitoring development projects that cause damage and make policy recommendations to relevant authorities
    • proposing a transition in energy policy from the perspective of its impact on climate change
    • conducting research on the current state of forests in Japan and overseas, and make recommendations for the government and companies to eliminate the distribution of illegally logged wood and promote more sustainable use of wood
    • and more...

    In order to help Friends of the Earth, we decided to make a 10% OFF discount on everything on the website, and at the same time, we're giving you the opportunity to donate the discount back (or more) if you wish to support them!

    KuSakuraShop's customers know that our brand provides the highest quality equipment when it comes to Budo! All our products available in our shop will be discounted, and you will certainly find what you are looking for in Judo, Kendo, Iaido, Kyudo, or in Nippon Kenpo.

    How to donate?

    You will be able to make a donation to 'FoE Japan' during the checkout, right before validating your payment.
    By clicking on the checkbox "Support Friends of the Earth Japan" on the checkout page, you will have the choice to give 10%, 25%, 50%, or the amount of your choice (up to 100% of the value of your order). This donation will help 'FoE Japan' to thrive, raise all of our voices, and help to stop climate change!

    Donation Green Friday 2022

    The Climate crisis couldn't be more relevant than it is today, but we wish to make a difference, and we know we can make one together! In the past, we already made great actions together, the strength of our community no longer needs to be demonstrated! As we are now facing the biggest threat we have ever experienced, let's face it together!

    As we are finally getting out of the toughest time of the covid crisis, we wanted to try something new this time, by giving you the choice.
    In the past years, you have proven that you were with us, even without a big Black Friday discount policy, so we could donate to NGOs. This time, you get the discount, and YOU DECIDE what you donate.

    During last year's Black Friday Event, we made no discount but gave 15% to charities for all orders placed for a limited time and we reached more than 225,000 Yen cumulated! Make our community proud, let's do BETTER!

    KuSakura's community has always been present and important to us, we would like to thank you for your continuous support.

    This 'Green Friday' campaign will end on Tuesday, November 29th, at 10 am JPT.

    (1): WWF
    (2): Global Forest Watch
    (3): United Nations
    (4): Migration Data Portal

  • November Special Offer

    10% OFF Made In Japan IJF Products! (until November 25th, 10 am JPT)

    10% OFF Made In Japan IJF Products

    We're in November and the new year is slowly but surely coming our way, but we still have plenty of time to practice at the dojo, develop ourselves, and make a difference inside our community, before taking the next step forward.

    As you know, KuSakura has its heart set on making the best IJF (International Judo Federation) certified products ever made, specially designed for demanding international competitors! That's why, this month, we will be offering a 10% discount on our range of praised IJF-certified products, and more specifically on the Made In Japan ones!

    If you're looking for a high-end Judogi or belt combining the best of Japanese quality and fully corresponding to the standards required by the Judo Federation, you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity!

    And, as you might expect, we're also working on making this month's Black Friday a special one and proposing something different (as we always do), so our special offer will be shorter than usual and will end on November 25th, at 10 am Japan Time!

    That's it for this month, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

  • Back to the Dojo Special Offer

    10% OFF on our new season essentials selection!! (until October 31st, 2 pm JPT)

    10% OFF our new season essentials selection

    September is already here, and with it, the beginning of a new season! It's time to go back to the Dojo! Temperatures reached records all around the country, it's still very hot here in Japan, and practicing at 35°C is quite challenging, both for the body and mind! We hope you could enjoy your summer and that you and your close ones are safe.

    To help you to prepare for your regular training, we made a special selection of some of the most essential products in our catalog. Dogi, Belts, Hakama, Referee Kits, Knee Supports, and more products will be discounted 10% OFF. With this offer, you can gear up and start off on the right foot with a brand-new outfit!

    This offer will be running for two months, until October 31st, 2 pm JPT.

    That's it for this time, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

  • Summer Special Offer

    10% OFF a product selection! (until August 31st, 2 pm JPT)

    10% OFF a Summer Selection

    Here we are in Summer, temperatures and humidity are very high here in Japan. It's a difficult season to practice at the dojo, we have to be more cautious about ourselves, take breaks, stay hydrated, and don't push ourselves over the limit. We hope you'll be able to train in the best conditions, no matter the country you're living in. Take good care of yourself!

    For this discount, we will offer a 10% discount on a selection of products fitted for summer. You'll find light jackets for your Judo, Kendo, Iaido, or Karate practice, some belts, T-shirts, Judo bags for conveying your equipment (dogi and belt) to the dojo in a design & elegant way, and more.
    Summer will be hot, but we are sure that our selection of products will help you to find the perfect gear for your practice during these demanding months, with, as always, KuSakura's pledge of quality.

    Please note that this offer will be running for two months, until August 31st, 2 pm JPT.

    June report

    We continue to add new products to our Nippon Kenpo equipment lineup: the Traditional Nippon Kenpo Groin Protector - Mata Ate is now live.
    This rigid shell optimally protects the genital area, with padding around it for maximum comfort and cushioning during practice and impact. This made-in-Japan product will surely please a lot of Nippon Kenpo practitioners!

    That's it for this time, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

  • Special Offer

    10% OFF Judo Kata Buki & Protective Equipment! (until June 30th, 2 pm JPT).

    10% OFF Judo Kata Buki & Protective Equipment

    Here we are in May, the Spring is settling in and we had the pleasure to admire Sakura's blossoms all around the country here in Japan. May is also very special for the Japanese as it starts with the "Golden Week", a one-week holiday at the beginning of the month where families gather together.

    For this new discount, we will offer a 10% discount on Judo Kata Weapons & all protective equipment!
    In all Budo, Kata are fundamentals to go further in your practice and achieve excellence. On KuSakuraShop, you'll find Bokken, Jo, Tanto & Kenju (wooden pistols) to make the most of your training. All these wooden equipment are made in Japan by the last traditional workshops and can be engraved if you want to customize them!
    Training is important, and to practice in the best conditions, you have to be protected accordingly! You'll find on KuSakuraShop a lot of different products to protect yourself in the most effective way. We have different equipment depending on your Martial art, we're sure you'll find the perfect item, with as always, KuSakura's pledge of quality.

    Please note that this offer will be running for two months, until June 30th, 2 pm JPT.

    April report

    By popular demand, we added a new product to our Nippon Kenpo equipment lineup: the Flexible Nippon Kenpo Do Uchi (breastplate).
    Much appreciated by Kenpo practitioners for its comfort, this made-in-japan breastplate is available in 4 different sizes, and will remain durable over time. This is the perfect accessory for every practitioner who wishes to practice without wearing solid protection. And it is now discounted as part of our monthly offer!

    That's it for this time, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

  • Golden Week 2022

    KuSakuraShop will be closed from April 29th to May 6th. Our website stays operational and accepts orders, but no shipping will occur during this period. Emails will be answered at a much slower pace.

    Golden Week 2022

    In Japan, April 29th (Showa Day), May 3rd (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4th (Greenery Day), and May 5th (Children's Day) are national holidays.

    All suppliers, carriers and partners will be closed or will maintain only limited service during the complete holidays.
    In order to avoid hundreds of orders piling up for Friday 6th, we will be working on a light shift on May 2nd, and 6th, although we will only be able to ship a minimum number of orders.
    Our system is set to indicate the first shipments on Monday the 9th (the day where normal operations will resume). We can only guarantee that all orders that are supposed to ship within 36h (products in stock only) will be shipped on Monday the 9th at the latest.

    Please also note that orders containing products that are order-made or out of stock might suffer a delay of about 2 weeks if their production/preparation time includes the Golden Week. This delay is taken into account by our system, and the date indicated at checkout stays accurate.

    As usual, our team is taking work home and will continue to answer emails at a slower pace and our website will stay fully operational.

    See you soon on!

    (Picture by Takashi Tomooka)

  • IJF Special Offer

    10% OFF all IJF products! (until April 27th, 2 pm JPT).

    10% OFF on IJF products

    March is here, Spring is around the corner and we hope it will be accompanied by better days. Fortunately, the Covid situation at KuSakuraShop is now over, last month was tough, but we're now back stronger than ever. Thank you again for all your support and your understanding.
    Let's stay careful, the crisis is not over but if we take care of each other, we can get through this together.

    Our discount on Belts & Embroideries is now over, we hope that you jumped at that opportunity! And as we're speaking of opportunity, you may have heard that the IJF (International Judo Federation) standards have recently been updated, so this is a perfect occasion to offer a 10% OFF discount on all IJF products!
    For more than 10 years, KuSakura has been an officially certified brand by the International Judo Federation, all our high-end Judogi are approved for international competitions (with the only exception of the JOZ, JOZW, and JOA models).
    Whether you are a beginner or one of the greatest athletes, you'll find the perfect equipment, with as always, KuSakura's pledge of quality.
    If you need more information on the IJF regulations and how to comply with the new ones, please visit our dedicated page: International Judo Federation 2022 Regulations.

    Please note that this offer will be running for two months, until April 27th, 2 pm JPT. (Update: Due to our Charity Event regarding Ukraine, this discount will pause from March 29th, 2 pm, JPT, to April 5th, 2 pm, JPT).

    Beginning of the year report

    We are excited to announce that Sauna Suits are finally back on KuSakuraShop! Many of you were waiting for their return and your patience has now been rewarded.
    These high-tech sauna suits are made from ultra-thin and ultra-light fabric and are the most efficient weight management equipment currently on the market. Using this garment prompts excessive sweating making it an extremely efficient tool to eliminate toxins.
    Discover the Sweater and the Pants.

    That's it for this time, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

  • Beginning of the year Special Offer

    15% OFF all Belts! (until February 28th, 2 pm JPT)

    15% OFF all belts!

    The new year has started, everyone here at KuSakuraShop wishes you a Happy New Year, full of happiness and rewarding experiences on or around the tatami!

    The COVID-19 situation is still difficult across the globe, please be careful and take care of yourself and your close ones.

    Everyone here at KuSakuraShop is now well rested and we are ready to get back on the mats! And to start the year in the best way possible, we are offering a 15% discount on all Belts! We have a great choice of products for you: Black Belts, White Belts, Red Belts, Colored Belts, and much more. Different styles and finishes are available, many of our belts are IJF approved, and don't forget, KuSakuraShop's pledge of quality applies to all of them!
    Please note that this offer will be running for two months, and will end on February 28th, at 2 pm Japan time.

    We are thankful you were along with us in 2021 and we can't wait to spend 2022 with you! See you very soon on KuSakuraShop!

  • 2021~2022 New Year's Holidays

    KuSakuraShop will be closed from December 29th and will resume operations on January 5th. There will be no order processing during this time but we'll keep answering your emails from home!

    Here we are, 2021 will be over soon, another year has passed under the sign of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like 2020, this year was very special for KuSakuraShop (and certainly for you too), we had long periods filled with uncertainty and doubts. The COVID situation is still not as good as we hoped for, nevertheless, we saw an increase in orders during last semester on all our websites, and more especially on the French version (merci à tous). The Judo community has proven to us once again that the values we are living by are worth the efforts we put during these dark times.

    We still don't know what 2022 will be made of, but in the meantime, KuSakuraShop will take some well-deserved holidays, we hope it will be the same for you. Take some time for yourself, you don't even have to order something for now, we will be there for you all along the next year.

    We will be closed from December 29th to January 4th and we will be back on January 5th (Wed).
    Customer support will be kept at a minimum pace, we will make all our possible to answer you within 48h, but if your inquiries are not urgent, we would recommend waiting for all activities to resume.

    Please note that all our manufacturing workshops and partners will also be closed at approximately the same dates.
    Consequently, all orders containing a product (made to order, out of stock products, etc.) for which the production time includes this holiday period will be delayed by approximately 10 days (But don't worry, the estimated shipping date provided at the checkout takes this holiday period automatically into account).

    2021 was a very strange year, with many ups and downs, but we're lucky enough to finish it on the bright side. We wanted to thank you again for your support, we were able to support many craftsmen thanks to you.

    All the KuSakuraShop team wish you sweet and wonderful holidays!

    We are looking forward to serving you again in 2022!

  • X-mas 2021 special offer

    15% OFF our X-mas selection (until December 24th, 2 pm JPT)

    15% OFF our X-mas selection

    We're already at the end of the year, the Momiji season is slowly ending in Japan and the colorful autumn leaves are now disappearing.
    Our Black Friday Cyber Monday event was a great success as we collected ¥226,899 Yen that we will donate to Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF! We would like to thank everyone who participated, we are very proud of our Community. Every order made a difference during the first part of this event, and we also hope you were able to take advantage of these discounts for yourself or your loved ones.

    Even if the BFCM event has ended, we are continuing to make you benefit from our special offers with 15% OFF our X-mas selection. In our Judo section, goodies, bags, Clothes & Protective Equipment will be discounted! Alongside those products, you'll find Kyudo accessories, some Nippon Kenpo Equipment, as well as Kendo accessories. Discover them all on the website!

    Also, don't forget, the very last day allowing for deliveries before Christmas is December 16th! Check the visual calendar here and read more details here.

    Please note that this discount will end on December 24th, at 2 pm Japan Time, so be sure to don't miss it!

    Enjoy the discount, take good care of yourself, and we hope to see you very soon on

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