Contact us

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Contact information


Your email address is the only way we can get back to you, please double-check for typos!


Tell us more about you


This is very important if you want an accurate answer.


If we already know your dojo, we can compare past orders, check translations (dojo name) etc.

What are you contacting us about ?


Height and weight are mandatory. Hips and chest circumference are mandatory for Judogi sizing requests. Arm length is mandatory for Judogi sizing request. Leg is mandatory for pants sizing. Make sure to precise the unit used.


Please don't modify this field

In order to answer as fast as possible (usually within 24h), please answer directly the last email you received form us concerning this order. In all cases, please be as precise as possible, this will help us to handle your request the best way possible.

Order modification?

Did you check the cancellation policy?
If yes, please answer the order confirmation email with your request.

Want to know when your order will be shipped/delivered?

Did you check the shipping estimation date in the order confirmation email?
If yes, please answer the order confirmation email

Problem with your order tracking and/or delivery?

Did you check our information page about order tracking?
We actually deliver 80% of all orders ahead of schedule, and our staff is ready to contact you asap if anything comes up with the production of the ordered item.
If yes, please answer the shipping confirmation email with your request.

Problem with received goods (damaged/wrong product)?

Did you check our information page about damaged packages or product delivery errors?
If yes, please answer the shipping confirmation email.
Don't forget to attach all required elements and detail your case as precisely as possible.

Any other question?

Please answer the last email you received from us regarding this particular order.

Online Store information

We are open from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (Japan Time / UTC+9).
We are closed on weekends and Japanese national holidays as well as a few days mid-August for O'bon and a few days around new year.

Phone number (online sales related questions only): +81 (0)4-8437-1856
Please request assistance in English or Japanese and for which type of product to be redirected to the corresponding support staff.

Who's behind the keyboard? Meet our international support staff


Kazuma is KuSakuraShop's manager and he will answer all general questions.
Want to get to know him ?
Check his presentation!


Rahel is general manager our liaison with our head office in Osaka. She will also take care of your requests along with Kazuma.
Want to get to know him?
Check his presentation!


Baptiste, engineer specialized in "front end", will answer questions related to the website.
Want to get to know him ?
Check his presentation!

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